Customers Affected: | 306 |
Crew Status: | On their way |
Cause: | To be determined |
Outage Start: | 17:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is an outage in the Highway 63 area. Crews are currently on their way to investigate. Restoration time to be determined. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Investigating |
Cause: | Broken lines |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 19:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the above identified area. Lines are down on Northmount Road. Please be careful if you are in the area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 7:00pm. |
This outage has been restored.
Customers Affected: | 100 |
Crew Status: | Restoring |
Cause: | Trees on lines |
Outage Start: | 15:18 |
Restoration Time: | 16:32 |
Notes: | Power has been restored at 16:32. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Investigating |
Cause: | Broken lines |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the above identified area. Lines are down. Please be careful if you are in the area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Underway |
Cause: | Investigating |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the above identified area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Underway |
Cause: | Investigating |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the Four Mile Lake Road Area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Underway |
Cause: | Investigating |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the Four Mile Lake Road Area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Underway |
Cause: | Investigating |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the Four Mile Lake Road Area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |
Customers Affected: | 389 |
Crew Status: | Underway |
Cause: | Investigating |
Outage Start: | 16:00 |
Restoration Time: | 20:00 |
Notes: | There is a general outage in the Four Mile Lake Road Area. Crews are currently investigating. Restoration time expected to be 8:00pm. |