Customers Affected: | 30 |
Crew Status: | In Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 11:02 |
Restoration Time: | 16:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro has restored power to Norman Ave and Eugene Rd. |
This outage has been restored.
Customers Affected: | 50 |
Crew Status: | In progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 11:00 |
Restoration Time: | 16:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro has restored power to the Martin St, Parsons Ave, & Gertrude St W area as 3:50 pm (approximately) |
This outage has been restored.
Customers Affected: | 270 |
Crew Status: | Repairs in Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 10:56 |
Restoration Time: | 15:20 |
Notes: | Update: North Bay Hydro has restored power to the areas surrounding Memorial Dr., Murray St., and Copeland St as of 3:20 pm |
Customers Affected: | 50 |
Crew Status: | In progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 11:00 |
Restoration Time: | 15:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro is aware of an outage in the Martin St, Parsons Ave, & Gertrude St W area. The cause of the outage is due to a tree contact. Estimated restoration time is 4:00 pm |
Customers Affected: | 30 |
Crew Status: | In Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 11:02 |
Restoration Time: | 16:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro is aware of an outage affecting approximately 30 customers on a section of Norman Ave and Eugene Rd. The cause of the outage is due to a tree contact. Estimate restoration time is 4:00 pm |
This outage has been restored.
Customers Affected: | 30 |
Crew Status: | Repairs In Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 10:56 |
Restoration Time: | 13:45 |
Notes: | Update: North Bay Hydro has restored power to Strathcona Dr as of 1:45pm |
Customers Affected: | 30 |
Crew Status: | Repairs In Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 10:56 |
Restoration Time: | 15:00 |
Notes: | Update: North Bay Hydro has restored power to most of the West Ferris area; however, a section of Strathcona Dr still remains out of power. The cause of the outage was due to a tree contact with the line, repairs are in progress. Estimated restoration time is 3:00 pm |