Customers Affected: | 200 |
Crew Status: | Repairs in Progress |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 10:22 |
Restoration Time: | 13:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro is aware of an outage in the Peninsula area affecting approximately 200 customers. The cause of the outage is due to a tree contact. Repairs are in progress. The estimated restoration time is 1:00pm |
Customers Affected: | 420 |
Crew Status: | Tree |
Cause: | Tree Contact |
Outage Start: | 10:22 |
Restoration Time: | 13:00 |
Notes: | North Bay Hydro is aware of an outage in the Peninsula area affecting approximately 420 customers. The cause of the outage is due to a tree contact. Repairs are in progress. The estimated restoration time is 1:00pm |
This outage has been restored.
Customers Affected: | 80 |
Crew Status: | Restored |
Cause: | Tree fell on line and broke conductors |
Outage Start: | 1:28am |
Restoration Time: | 4:42am |
Notes: | There is an outage on Highway 63, including Silver Lady Lane and part of Anita Avenue, due to a tree that fell on a line and broke the conductors. The crews are currently on site removing the tree and reconnecting the conductors. Power was restored at 4:42 am. |
Customers Affected: | 80 |
Crew Status: | Restoring |
Cause: | Tree fell on line and broke conductors |
Outage Start: | 1:28am |
Restoration Time: | 6:00am |
Notes: | There is an outage on Highway 63, including Silver Lady Lane and part of Anita Avenue, due to a tree that fell on a line and broke the conductors. The crews are currently on site removing the tree and reconnecting the conductors. Restoration time expected at 6:00am. |
This outage has been restored.
This outage has been restored.
This outage has been restored.
This outage has been restored.
This outage has been restored.